Defining Spike

Defining Spike

Defining 'What is Spike' has been one of the most difficult parts of the process.

(sidebar: i rewrote that sentence about 30 times. ie 'most difficult parts about starting a business' 'most challenging aspects of creating this brand' f*kin aye.)

But Spike is more than just a simple name. It's a way to separate my art and design from my personal identity. It's a way to create a space where creativity can thrive independently without any trace of what I have created in the past. It's a persona that allows me to explore new ideas, take risks, and push boundaries without the constraints of self-doubt or limitations. This is so important considering the phase of life that I am in and why Spike was born to begin with. 

After years of traveling the world and living in different cities, I have finally made my way back to Texas. Texas represents a sense of belonging and familiarity. Part of me, no matter where I was in the world, always knew that I would end up back here. But transitioning from this nomadic lifestyle to a more settled one has its challenges, mentally and physically. I am rediscovering the joys of routine, reconnecting with old friends, and exploring new opportunities in this familiar yet changed environment. While it's comforting to be back in Texas, I am also embracing the changes that have taken place since I left. The city has evolved, and so have I. New pockets and areas that I never knew as a child. The city as an adult is vastly different than I imagined it would be and it is exciting to experience it anew.

This idea of new space is where Spike began. I decided to rent a studio in Sawyer Yards. This came from the simple fact that I needed a place to call my own. My parents were generous enough to take me in but after such independent living, I needed somewhere to unwind and plug in to myself. The name on my comcast bill is still "Abigail Simpson Creative". Everything about this just felt so cliche and boring. Nobody cares about what my name is and to be honest, I am so sick of hearing my own name. I say it all throughout the day, introducing myself to customers and all the new people I meet embracing this community. I needed an escape. A place where I can be creative outside of worrying how people are perceiving my personality or how I am building my reputation. From this idea of escapism, Spike was born. Similar to a performer with a stage name I guess.

Since Feburary, I have altered the idea of Spike a hundred times over and I'm sure I will do the same thing again until the chaos settles. I have no definition to provide because Spike is what I, or anybody, needs it to be. It's a space that can be used in so many ways. Each time I have a visitor in the studio to work, they create something. Whether it be a physical work or creative idea, the energy in the space inspires and I have felt and heard this. Myself, I have created and sold work that I would have never predicted. By embodying the concept of "spike," I am able to tap into a different mindset, one that is free from judgment and fear. It's a liberating experience that opens up endless possibilities for artistic expression. While defining "Spike" may be a challenge, I have come to embrace the ambiguity. It's not about having all the answers, but rather about embracing the journey of self-discovery and creative exploration.

Throughout my education I learned you should have your elevator pitch nailed down right when you launch a product or company, so this lack in my business plan is not lost on me. Somehow, I hope this leaves an opening for a more organic, flexible definition. By refusing to confine the essence of what "Spike" represents, you open the door to a world of creativity and innovation. 

So stick around. Maybe one day I'll scrape up a definition worthy of meriam webster but for now, I'm enjoying the freedom of ambiguity.